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Vertica Fertility is the Best IVF Centre in India providing best IVF services and an outstanding Assisted Reproduction Centre located in Delhi easily accessible via all forms of transportation. Led by internationally acclaimed Infertility Expert & Best IVF Doctor in Delhi The team of Fertility Experts with professional qualifications and experienced expertise offer guarantee of success at a fraction of the price you would pay for similar treatments abroad.

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Having Confusion!…. The difference between Test Tube Baby and In-vitro fertilization. Well, there is no difference between them at all, the only difference is the term used. The term Test tube baby is a non-medical term which was commonly being used long ago, which is now medically termed as IVF.

A word test tube baby was used generally because the embryo was formed outside (In-vitro) the body in the fertility laboratory rather than inside (In-vivo) the woman’s fallopian tube.

The term test tube baby is usually used by a layman due to lack of knowledge about its scientific term but as the technology is modernized, the common term is gradually diminishing and the In-vitro fertilization term is used today.
To clear your confusion, read and understand the elaborated definition, terms, and processes of IVF also known by the earlier layman terms test-tube baby as mentioned below.
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What is IVF in Fertility?
IVF is In-vitro Fertilization in which a female egg is mixed with male sperm outside the body ( in a petri dish in a fertility lab) and gets fertilized and transferred to the woman’s uterus to get pregnant.
Process of In-vitro Fertilization (IVF):
In-vitro Fertilization is one of the most commonly used forms of assisted reproductive technology by intended parents, couples, LGBT partners, and individual parents who are biologically infertile or due to medical or health issues in conceiving a child. This assisted reproductive technology manages those patients to get pregnant and conceive a baby of their own linked genes and fulfill their dreams.
IVF step-wise techniques and process:
– Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation(COH):
The initial cycle of IVF begins with ovarian stimulation, in this cycle, multiple protocols are been utilized that includes no stimulation to various levels of ovarian stimulation using Clomiphene citrate, letrozole, and exogenous gonadotropin i.e Follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). One of the most commonly used is gonadotropin-releasing Hormone (GnRH) where the secretion of gonadotropin is suppressed to prevent premature ovulation. After an optimal suppression is achieved then followed by recruiting multiple follicles by regular injections of gonadotropins.
Follicular development is monitored using ultrasound imaging and hormone assessments. Once the lead follicles reach their required appropriate size, the final maturation of the egg is done by administration of HCG. The egg is retrieved after 34-36 hours after HCG injection.
Oocyte/Egg retrieval:
Mature eggs are retrieved within 34-36 hours after HCG administration. It is performed in a surgical suite under ultrasound-guided transvaginal aspiration and intravenous sedation. The ovarian follicles are visualized using a vaginal ultrasound probe( Transvaginal ultrasonography). Then follicular fluids are scanned by embryologists and locate the position of all available mature eggs. The eggs are kept in a special media and cultured in an incubator until insemination by the sperms.
Insemination : 50,000 to 100,000 motile sperm are transferred to the culture dish containing the eggs if sperms are normal, this transfer of sperms is called standard insemination.